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We introduced our new Corpus Budapest model for the audience’s greatest pleasure.

The maple body accentuates the unique tarogato sound while the new internal bore improves the intonation. Less mechanics but still every sound is clearly playable. The beautiful lacquering emphasizes the wood’s pattern.

It is simply fabulous to play on my newly designed Golden Voice Stowasser J. Tarogato! I am so excited and proud to have taken part in its design and development! Stowasser J. tone, timbre, intervallic control and technical superiority – and pretty much everything else, compared to anything similar I have ever test tried – is a truly ground-breaking experience! Golden key-work is aesthetically an embellishing touch, but sure enough, the golden posts on Cocobolo wooden body contribute measurably to the sound-warmth and wide-open timbre tone properties.

Milan Milosevic

Doctor of Musical Arts, candidate at The University of British Columbia, Music Director, Vancouver College

The Tárogató Summit Day was organized in Vaja this year. Hundreds of guests and musicians arrived from the UK, USA, France, Romania and Canada.

Our guest of honor was Dr. László Kövér, president of Hungarian Parliament, who is a tarogato artist as well.

We moved to a new showroom.

Its address:

Corpus Music Shop Kft.

1061 Budapest Hegedű u. 1.

phone: +36 1 2 666 130


Our guests were Mihály Reményi luthier and his son straight from Toronto.

Kis kece lányom compilation
Erdő Zoltán – tárogató
Oláh Dezső – zongora

Trio a lá Kodály : Galántai táncok Pt. I.

Trio a lá Kodály : Galántai táncok Pt. II

Joe Lovano Bass Space from SOLOS:
the jazz sessions

Dino Soldo Tárogató Session